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Hair care set against itchy & dry scalp

Effective combination of 2 shampoos and soothing scalp serum

Sale price€49,50 EUR

Checkmark stärkt die Hautbarriere der Kopfhaut und spendet Feuchtigkeit
Checkmark beruhigt juckende und trockende Kopfhaut mit emulgatorfreier Formel
Checkmark bringt die Kopfhaut wieder ins natürliche Gleichgewicht

Suitable for

The combination of scalp treatment and repair shampoo for dry, itchy scalp and dry dandruff soothes the itching and strengthens the scalp's skin barrier. The set also contains the Purifying Free Bio Shampoo with increased washing power to wash out excess care substances. These can accumulate on the scalp and trickle down as small white flakes.

active ingredient profile

The hair care set consists of:

      Bio Haarpflege-Set gegen juckende & trockene Kopfhaut - Myrto Naturkosmetik
      Hair care set against itchy & dry scalp Sale price€49,50 EUR

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      Genuine natural cosmetics

      Best ingredients

      All ingredients in our products have been tested by Codecheck and are rated 100% green. With the Codecheck app you can find out what is behind the ingredients in your cosmetics. You can find out more about the evaluation of our ingredients and about Codecheck using the Codecheck app .

    • Ohne Konservierungsstoffe
    • Ohne Emulgatoren
    • Ohne Palmöl
    • Vegan