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Article: cypress oil


cypress oil


Cypress (Cupressus Sempervirens) - controlled organic cultivation

Although the cypress originally comes from Asia, cypresses with their resinous, spicy, balsamic and slightly sweet scent are considered the epitome of the Mediterranean countries. The evergreen conifer with its upright, taut growth grows up to 30 meters tall. It prefers sunny, dry places.

Cypresses were already valued as medicinal plants in ancient Greece. The young branches, the wood and the young fruits are used. The essential oil has a characteristic resinous, woody scent. It is obtained by steam distillation of the branches and fruits.

The physical effect of essential cypress oil is antibacterial, antiseptic and antiallergic. This property is even enhanced when combined with cedar. Mentally and psychologically, cypress oil promotes concentration on the essentials, makes you alert and attentive. It strengthens the nerves.

Dieser Wirkstoff hat bei die Bestnote "100% grüner Ring" erhalten. ist eine neutrale Plattform für Produktbewertungen auf der Basis von Ökotest und aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Studien. Durch Eingabe der Bezeichnung aus der List of Ingredients (INCI) - kann die Bewertung des Inhaltsstoffes recherchiert werden.

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