Cellulite: What helps against orange peel skin?

What is cellulite?

Cellulite, also known as orange peel skin, affects over 90% of all women. Cellulite appears as an uneven skin surface with more or less visible dents. It occurs most frequently on the thighs, bottom, upper arms and hips. Cellulite is not necessarily associated with being overweight: thin women can also be affected by it. Cellulite is not a disease, but medically harmless and at most a cosmetic defect that was previously considered "normal". and has accepted it naturally.

What factors promote cellulite?

The exact causes of cellulite are not fully understood, but there are a combination of different factors that promote cellulite. These include a lack of exercise, nicotine and alcohol, which are responsible for poorer blood circulation, but a sugary diet, a high body fat percentage and genetic predisposition also play a role. As we age, the skin loses elasticity and the connective tissue becomes weaker, which can increase cellulite.

Why do almost only women typically have cellulite?

Cellulite with the typical orange-shaped skin almost exclusively affects women - due to the structure of their connective tissue, female hormones and the distribution of fat in the female body. In men, the connective tissue is structured differently than in women. While in women, the collagen fibers run parallel, in men they are networked in a grid-like manner. This means that the fat cells, which are already fewer, are better fixed. In general, a higher fat mass with a lower muscle content promotes the appearance of cellulite.

What professional treatments are there for cellulite?

Beauty salons and dermatological practices offer various professional therapies for treating cellulite:

Laser and light therapies are designed to stimulate collagen production to smooth the appearance of the skin. Radio frequency therapy aims to tighten the underlying tissue using heat and stimulate collagen production. Shock wave therapy uses acoustic waves to improve blood circulation and tighten connective tissue. In more serious cases, surgical interventions can also be used, such as liposuction or injections with substances that are intended to break down fat cells.

What can you do yourself to reduce cellulite?

You can do a lot yourself to reduce your cellulite - even if it may not be possible to get rid of cellulite completely or to prevent it completely. In general, anything that promotes blood circulation in the connective tissue and reduces body fat helps.

  • Sport against cellulite: Regular endurance running training, swimming and a targeted training program for the stomach, legs and bottom help to build muscle and reduce the fat content, which significantly improves the appearance of cellulite and tightens and defines the body.
  • Massages and dry brushing against cellulite: Massage dry brushes are particularly suitable for regular massages. Dry brushing uses a brush with hard bristles. It promotes blood circulation, improves the skin structure and helps to remove dead skin cells. Dry brushing is best done before showering.

    After showering, ideally an Anti-Cellulite Body Oil with astringent essential oils of myrtle, lemon and grapefruit is applied to the still damp skin and gently massaged in.
  • Cold-warm alternating showers: The alternating stimulus between cold and heat when showering has numerous positive effects. Warm water expands the blood vessels, while cold water constricts them again. This constant change promotes blood circulation and improves the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the connective tissue. Alternating showers act like lymphatic drainage by stimulating the lymphatic system, which is responsible for removing metabolic waste from the tissue.

    When taking alternating showers, start with warm water and alternate between warm and cold every 20 to 30 seconds. Your shower should always end with a cold phase to stimulate blood circulation and metabolism once again. For optimal results, regular use is recommended, ideally daily.

  • Mechanical and electrical massage aids: Cellulite rollers and fascia rollers are available as mechanical massage aids, and there are also electrical massage devices (vibration devices, ultrasound devices, kneading massage devices). Electrical vacuum massage devices that work with negative pressure are intended to loosen adhesions in the tissue and stimulate blood circulation.

  • Body peelings: Mechanical peelings with sugar, salt or coffee particles promote blood circulation and help to remove dead skin cells. Regular peelings can make the skin smoother and improve the absorption of care products.

  • Healthy diet against cellulite: A balanced diet rich in fruit, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat proteins counteracts excess weight and promotes skin health. Antioxidant-rich foods such as berries, green tea, citrus fruits and dark green leafy vegetables help to strengthen the skin from the inside and promote collagen production. It is well known that smoking impairs blood circulation and, just like alcohol, accelerates skin aging.

  • Skin care against cellulite: Regular care with moisturizing and firming products supports the elasticity of the connective tissue. Even if skin care alone cannot completely eliminate cellulite, there are products and active ingredients that can improve the complexion and firm the skin.

    One of the most effective active ingredients against cellulite is the natural ingredient caffeine. Caffeine promotes blood circulation and helps to remove excess fluids from the tissue. This makes the skin firmer and smoother. Antioxidant active ingredients such as provitamin A or bakuchiol, vitamin C, vitamin B3 (niacinamide) and vitamin E also promote collagen production, make the skin more elastic and improve the skin structure. Algae extracts such as astaxanthin have a detoxifying effect and promote blood circulation, which improves the complexion.

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